
French Secretary of State for Social Economy and Associations Marlene Schiappa speaks during a hearing by a French Senate commission of French Secretary of State for Social Economy and Associations Marlene Schiappa, suspected of favouritism in the allocation of the "Marianne Fund" anti-extremism campaign, in Paris, on June 14, 2023. - French investigators on June 13, 2023 searched the homes of a journalist and a former senior official over allegations of embezzlement from a fund set up in memory of a teacher beheaded by an Islamist radical. The controversy is casting a shadow over Marlene Schiappa, minister for the social economy and associations and a high-profile figure in President Emmanuel Macron's government, who set up the fund. (Photo by Bertrand GUAY / AFP)

Par avec Claude Raynal

Fonds Marianne : Marlène Schiappa a-t-elle commis une faute grave ?

Entendue hier par la commission d'enquête du Sénat sur le fonds Marianne contre le séparatisme, Marlène Schiappa a tenu à se défendre des irrégularités qui lui sont reprochées dans ce dossier.
Les invités

Midi actu avec Claude Raynal, sénateur de la Haute-Garonne, Président de la commission d'enquête

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